Sunday, January 15, 2012

Learninq Faculty:Visual/spatial learning

for visual-spatial learners,
takes place all at once,
with great chunks of information grasped in intuitive leaps,
rather than in the gradual accretion of isolated facts,
small steps or habit patterns gained through practice.
For example, they can learn all of the multiplication facts as a related set in a chart much easier and faster than memorizing each fact separately."

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Study skill:Learning to Learn Cycle

Learning to learn
Your path for most useful learning is through knowing
o yourself
o the practice you have successfully used in the past
o your ability to learn
o your interest in, and understanding of, the subject you wish to study
It may be easy for you to learn physics but difficult to learn tennis, or vice versa.
All learning, however, is a process which settles into sure steps.
The following is an exercise of four steps to help you understand how you learn:
Begin by selecting each step and answer the questions.
Then plan your strategy with your answers, and with other "Study Guides.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

All time Happy Key:Never Undervalue the Power of Positive Thinking

It should come as no surprise that many, if not most, motivational, inspiring, and success-oriented books are rooted in positive thinking. Those who have created and found fortune and fame in various walks of life all claim to consider in this phenomenon called “positive thinking.” While fortune and fame may be added bonuses of thinking positively, most people just want to be happy. Happiness, too, may be closer than you think.
Such a large stress is always put on positive thinking because it has the potential of affecting your entire life. Your thoughts control your decision-making and you make your actions based on what you decide to do in any given position. These are all important factors because they comprise our lives. When we walk through life looking at everything in a negative light, we become surrounded with worry and doubt. As a result, we make sure choices and decision, often life changing, based on negative or positive thoughts. If we allow ourselves to think positively and let those good thoughts shine through, we 61 will almost always choose the best path and the higher road.
Realizing that harmful thoughts of anger, jealousy, and malice, affect our decision-making and our daily lives; we must choose for the better and make an effort to think positively. In every situation, good or bad, things could potentially forever be worse. Some doubters may say, “Isn’t that thinking negative?” Yes. It can, if you let it control your life. But if you look at every situation and want to see the better, or brighter, side it will keep you reaching towards thinking and living positively. When you try to see or make the best of every situation, you will be grateful as you count your blessings.
Thinking positively allows you to accomplish many more things in life simply because you will allow yourself to try things you previously were unsure of or had doubts concerning. Perhaps one of main reasons some people are more successful than others is because they think positively, take on more trials, and do well more often in life.

SuccessfulLife:Agree to Yourself to Let Go

Allowing yourself to let go by not holding a complaint should free up your mind and time. In a sense, not remaining angry or let down will make you a more productive person. Rather than seeing “letting go” of something as a loss, learn to view it as a helpful. Doing this will help in your decision to become a better person just by altering your actions and habits.
Everyone is familiar with the expression “Forgive and not remember.” Well, why don’t you? So much time and energy goes into being aggravated, especially when this involves someone you must communicate with. In such an example, your inability to talk to, or otherwise effectively communicate with, another coworker decreases competence. Not being able to forgive creates other problems, as what started off as a simple argument transforms into you not performing as well at your workplace. This makes a small problem get much larger, all because a situation was handled the same, unsuccessful way.
Similar to anger and negativity in general, not allowing yourself to let go of easy things and disputes, starts a destructive chain of events. This, .clearly, is not good for any of us
It’s been said that the one who cannot forget an incident has a state of mind far worse than the one who was initially wrong, or at fault, in any given situation. Remember, resentment is a negative, unproductive, and, often, harmful emotion. Learn to cultivate good habits and do not forget to put pardon towards the top of the file.

Give Without in The Family Way to Receive in Return

You must learn to give without the hope of receiving in return. Without the communication and company of others, we would all be alone with nobody to share with and talk to. Remember, most items are only held as significant in our society because we have placed a price, or worth, on those very items. Without others we would not know the value of the items we feel we need and want. More highly, sharing makes us feel good because we know that, in one way or another, we can help others by giving of ourselves in a number of ways.
charitable is a great attribute for us as human beings to have. We must learn to become giving towards others and also learn to forgive as well. pardon, too, is another form of giving. When we give without the expectation of receiving, it is an unconditional act. In such a transaction, if you will, a neutralizing effect takes place and what was given is bound to come back manifold. Generosity should be held as one of the most profound fulfillments in life, as it results in practicing humility and learning a number of 17 education in our daily lives. The joy obtained from giving is much greater than that experienced in receiving and taking what we desire or feel we want or need.
When you learn to give, you will find that there is an immense elation in giving what another one needs. Giving of oneself can include time and energy, talent and creativity, advice or monetary help. Remember, it all piles up to nothing when compared to the companionship and support of family and friends. Bliss you have never knowledgeable can be enjoyed, simply by practicing generosity, giving love or moral support, emotional or psychological assistance, or spiritual guidance.
Open your eyes and your mind to ways that you can help and give to others. You may be surprised just how much you will benefit by giving to others without receiving no matter which tangible or intangible in return. Oftentimes, many people give to receive when in actuality they should be thankful and express gratitude that they are in the position to give to those on the in receipt of side. Giving, generosity, and gratitude all go hand-in-hand. Giving is a Godly attribute because He never grows tired of giving to us. When we allow ourselves to see giving for what it truly is, 18 it will also bring us closer to God which contributes to your contentment in a number of habits as well.