Saturday, December 10, 2011

Five Sure Shots to Failure/breakdown career

Here are a few tips for those who want to fail in their careers!
 Follow the style:
Many of us think that for a successful career, I have to be a doctor or engineer or have an MBA, because these are the careers considered most respectable or attractive in our society. if we can't be those things we consider ourselves failures and become upset.
The truth is, since the posts for doctors, engineers and MBA holders are limited; not everyone can be those things or whatever is currently considered the most important job in your society. Even lesser people will be a top doctor, engineer or business executive, because the number of positions at the top is even less. And what is considered important or 'in demand' today, is often out of fashion tomorrow.
Similarly, many of us believe that we must have a degree from a university at any cost, otherwise we won't be upright. We are ready to study subjects that we are not interested in, that teach us outdated theories and concepts that are not relevant in today’s world. They do not even help us earn a living – unless of course we become teachers in the same topic.
The truth is no honest work is shameful. If, instead of thinking about what others will say, you choose a career based on what gives you joy, what you are good at, and how you can serve best, nothing will be able to stop your success. And if you invest time in gaining skills or knowledge that will be useful, instead of just getting a degree for a degree's sake, you will be rewarded in the long run.

Don't get Risks:
Many of us think that having a government job is always a good career option because it has more security and tenure. We don't realize that looking for security in jobs often means sacrificing independence, fulfillment and ultimate success. Many tenure jobs do not pay that much, either. In any case, looking for security in life is a futile exercise since life itself is not permanent. So be brave. Do not be frightened of having to prove yourself. That is the way you will develop the most.

Make Cash, Fast:
To many of us success means earning a lot of money in a short time and with little try. We refuse job offers because the starting salary is not as much as we want. This attitude can only bring aggravation, because there are no short cuts to career success. In most professions one needs to struggle and prove one’s self in the beginning. Those who reach the top of their professions, such as CEOs of multinationals, are usually workaholics or they love their job. In both cases, they work extremely hard and often give up other areas of their life for doing so. So it is better to be prepared.

Be a clerk, Not a director:
We have inherited this feelings from the colonial era, when the British formed a class of ‘most obedient servants’ to help them rule over the country. We still depend on others to give us a job, and we want to do exactly what they tell us to do, no more, no less. We are afraid of production our own decisions and being responsible for them. But if we can break out of this fear, and adopt an independent career, such as building our own company or service organization, life can be very rewarding.

Never Try to hand out:
If you think earning a lot of money, fame and power will bring you happiness, you may be surprised. Both depression and suicide rates are high amongst CEOs. Reaching the top does not warranty inner satisfaction. Evidence suggests that people whose professions involve helping others are the ones most content with their jobs, and are happier than people in other kinds of job. So instead of just reaching the top, think of how you can serve, and you will get both happiness and winner.

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