Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Five essential Laws of Prosperity/Success

 Prosperity is not a matter of extraordinary luck or talent; it is the result of a natural process. Once you get involved in this process, prosperity will come as a usual outcome.
prosparity is not the same as having a lot of money, fame, and power- it is something much better and broader. It is an internal state of abundance; it is freedom from the feeling of shortage. It is a special state of the mind and body in which a person can transform all reasonable desires into reality. Possessing fame and fortune is a by- product of this process. On the other hand, a person may have a lot of money without being prosperous, i.e. without being free from the feeling of scarcity.
The five essential Laws of Prosperity will help you attain true prosperity.

Helen Keller was once asked, “God has taken away your sight from you. Don’t you ever feel angry with him?” She replied,” God has given me so much that I don’t have time to think about what he hasn’t.”
Ever noticed how all the successful people around you have an strange ability to focus on the positive? This is no coincidence. Gratitude is the springboard of success.
What gratitude really is, is the ability to see what you have. The truth is, no topic where you want to go, you have to start with what you have now. This might be a talent, some money, or an opportunity. If you can identify your strength and assets, no matter how small they are, and nurture them, then there is no limit to where they can take you. But most of us spend our lives concentrating on what we don’t have, not even noticing the promise and opportunities as they silently knock on our doors.
Gratitude also attracts more returns from nature. Scientists have found that if you focus on what you have you get more, if you focus on what you lack you lose more. This is generally known as the Law of Attraction.
A simple practice can help you shift your attitude to a more grateful one. Every morning after waking up, before we get up and even before we open our eyes, we say ‘Thank You.’ We thank God or Allah or Lord or whatever we may call Him, for giving us one more day to live, to enjoy, to serve. Starting each day on this positive note helps us move forward everyday. You can start this practice too, you’ll be amazed at how it changes your life.

Nelson Mandela spent 29 years in a tiny isolated prison cell where sunlight didn’t enter. After he was released, reporters asked him how he spent his time in that cell. He replied, “I dreamt. I dreamt of free South Africa. A South Africa where blacks are ruling and I am leading them.”
A mental image is your vision or dream for your future. It is the picture of where you want to be. Every successful person started with a vision. Mental image is much more than idle day dreaming, it is the first step in the process of achieving something. Once you imprint the image of where you want to be deep in your mind, your mind uses its power to direct you towards that goal like a self guided missile. It develops your talents and gradually makes you deserving of it. It helps you translate your talent into service, which is the secret to achieving prosperity.
Your vision has to be specific and come from the depths of your mind, where your mind touches your soul. If you are sensitively stirred by your vision, and believe that you will get to that place anyhow, than nothing can prevent you from getting there.
The best way to imprint your vision deep into your mind is meditation

A soldierly arts student went to his teacher and said earnestly," I am devoted to studying your martial system, How long will it take me to master it? "Ten years", the teacher replied casually. Impatiently, the student said, " But I want to master it faster than that. I will work very hard. I will practice everyday, ten or more hours a day if I have to. How long will it take then?' The teacher thought for a moment and replied, "20 years."
So impatience does not take us any closer to your goals. However,patience does not mean passively waiting for something to happen. It means to actively but noiselessly keep on trying to change the situation.
So strive for our vision with unshakeable faith. You might face temporary barriers on the way. If you want your goal so much that you are willing to work for it for as long as it takes, nothing can stop you from achieving it.
We have all heard the saying, ‘success is when preparation meets opportunity.’ Successful people have the patience to be persistent, to wait till the suitable moment. Remember Nelson Mandela had to be in prison for 29 year before his dream was realized. Most of us give up on our dreams half way through, change tracks or simply stop trying. We need more patience.

A man and his son were walking in the forest. Suddenly the boy tripped and feeling a sharp pain he screamed, “Ahhhhh.”
amazed, he heard a voice coming from the mountain, “Ahhhhh.”
Filled with curiosity, he screams, “Who are you?” but the only answer he received was: “Who are you?”
This made him angry, so he screamed, “You are a coward!” and the voice answered, “You are a coward!”
The boy looked at his father and asked, “Dad, what is going on?”
“Son,” he replied, “pay attention!” Then he screamed, “I admire you!”
The voice answered, “I admire you!”
The father shouted, “You are wonderful!” and the voice answered, “You are wonderful!”
The boy was surprised, but he still couldn't identify with what is going on.
Then the father explained, “People call this ‘ECHO’ but truly this is ‘LIFE!’ Life always gives you back what you give out! Life is a mirror of your actions.
Life always gives you back what you give out. Your life is not a accident, but a mirror of your own doings.
Prosperity comes as a return for what we give out as charity. Any good work is charity. Smiling or greeting someone is charity. Helping someone cross the street is charity. Planting trees is charity. Giving someone good advice is charity. Donating money is of course charity.
So give whatever you can. Specially, give what you want. If you want respect give others respect. If you want money give others money. If you want fame give others respect.
Don’t wait till you are rich to give, but present in order to be rich.
The most charitable thing you can do is to use your unique talents to serve others.
Each of us is born with some unique talents. If you can identify your talent, nurture it, and find out a way to serve others with it, success and prosperity will chase you everywhere.
Remember though giving must be total to yield returns. If you are donating for publicity or self advancement, or if you expect anything in return from the person you have given to, even if it is simple acknowledgement, then that wouldn’t be true charity, and will fail to bring you any returns.
It is also your responsibility to ensure that your donations are being used for constructive purposes. For example, many of us donate to beggars. Most beggars beg ‘professionally’. They make sizeable incomes from begging and have no intention of rehabilitating themselves. Many of them are part of an organized Mafia. Giving alms to beggars help create a parasite class in society and may not bring in positive returns from nature.

Togetherness means learning how to give up being I, and be the part of a we ; and inspiring others to be the same.
A great flock of quail lived together in a forest. Food was abundant and life was peaceful. One day a crafty hunter, who could imitate their song perfectly, came to the forest. When he whistled, a great group of quail gathered in response. When the flock landed on the ground, the hunter approached silently and threw a huge net over them. He flung the net over his shoulder and took the quail to the market. Each day he played his trick , and the flock grew smaller and smaller.
After some time, the wisest old quail assembled what was left of the flock and and said, "The hunter is skilled and can easily trick you into his net. If you work together, he cannot defeat you. Beat your wings as one, and you will lift the net that binds you.
The flock listened carefully to the old quail's words. The next time the hunter came and threw his net over a group of quail, they were not dismayed. As one, they beat their wings. They rose, taking the net with them. They swooped down onto a tree. As the net caught and snagged onto the tree's branches, the birds flew out from under it to freedom.
The hunter looked up in amazement and thought, "When the birds cooperate I cannot capture them. Each bird is small and yet together they can lift the net!"
The next day, the hunter again flung his net over a large group of quail as they pecked seeds on the ground. Pleased with their mighty accomplishment of the day before, the quail began to beat their wings together. Accidentally, one quail bumped into another and started a ruckus. " Watch out!" squeaked the bird. " You are stepping on my tail feathers."
"Someone pushed me!" retorted the other with a small peck.
"This is no time to fight." scolded another still. " The hunter is almost here. We must all work together and peacefully fly as one."
"You are not the mighty ruler." sniped the first. "Stop telling us what to do."
While they squabbled and scolded,
postured and fought,
the hunter arrived
and the birds were caught.
He scooped up his net
and proclaimed, "I am the winner !
Together they're strong.
Divided they're dinner."
Whether you are a politician, businessman, actor or technocrat, you cannot achieve anything alone. To achieve success you need to have other people working to realize your dreams. The more people you can gather to work for a common goal, the bigger the success you can achieve. If you can inspire 10 people to work towards satisfying your dreams, you can achieve a moderate goal. If you can inspire 1000 people to work toward your goal, you can achieve a big goal. If you can get a million people working in an controlled way toward your goal, you can change the course of history.
Learn to be a leader. Develop your powers of inspiration and motivation. Know how you can inspire different types of people to do different types of work. Be a part of a group.
In order to be a leader though, you also need to be a good follower. So if you are currently part of a group, whoever your leader is, follow him or her completely. If you give someone your complete faithfulness, you will get complete allegiance from others in return.

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