Receipt of the reality of any situation is a precondition for any desired result to be achieved. This also means that we, as human beings, accept each other, as we are, without imposing any preconditions at all and then make earnest attempts to grow together from there. When we desire change in others, we must realize how difficult it is to bring about change in ourselves. Only if the other person accepts you as a person of good intentions will they be eager to listen to our advice and attempt to bring about modify in themselves.
When we accept these types of things as a realism, instead of ignoring them or complaining about them, we realize that we as people are all very much alike. While each of us has admirable qualities, we all have qualities and individuality that may be undesirable to others as well. To really move forward, we must accept all of our differences and learn to overlook the negatives in everyone. To exist and influence others in a positive manner, we are to see the good and the bright, and take them all along with us.
All person beings are imperfect. And because we are human we are mortal beings. Our realization and acceptance of our own mortality will help us accept the sorrows and be grateful for the pleasures in our lives. Learn to accept that so many things are beyond our control such as the death of relatives and friends. We must appreciate that things such as cancer and other terminal illnesses are our reality as human beings. Our non-acceptance of these realities only elevates our problems instead of dealing with them head-on with a positive state of mind.
As much as we must accept the cruel realization of our mortality, we must learn to believe our own realities. If you will forever be miserable because you want to be a famous rock star, singer, or television personality, you might, after awhile, learn that you must be realistic about these types of realities as well. While positive thinking can take you places and help you achieve things you may have previously not thought possible, their may be limitations that are beyond your goal and desires. Goals are very important to have but those which are analyzed, grounded in fact, well thought out and pursued with energy and tenacity are those with higher rates of winner.
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