Monday, December 19, 2011

Health is Assets/Wealth

Imagine this scene- a student worked day and night to prepare himself for the exams. He followed his routine and did everything necessary for good result. But just before the examination, he got sick. After doing some tests, the doctor declared that he had kidney infection and advised complete bed rest. Wasn't all his hard work and training meaningless?
If you take care of your health you will always have energy and enthusiasm. Your mind will be clear and tranquil. You will find it easier to contemplate and remember. You will be able to work continuously for a few nights or walk a long distance without feeling tired. A truly healthy person never gets stressed or depressed. He is always active and energetic.
Thus although good health starts with the body, its result is also on the mind. This is why it is especially important to develop the following healthy habits in order to become a successful student.
Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are known as sources of instant energy as they are digested easily and quickly. The amount of energy in 1 banana is equal to the amount of energy you need to play 5 sets of tennis. Not only that, research shows that vegetables rich in vitamin B, such as spinach and other dark luxuriant greens, broccoli, asparagus, strawberries, melons, black beans and other legumes, citrus fruits, soybeans etc. actually get better your memory. So add lots of fruits and vegetables to your everyday menu.
Proteins have an important role in the improvement of your brain. So try to take food containing protein. Eat one egg everyday. Lentils contain a lot of protein. So have lentils regularly in good amount. Your immune system will become stronger.
Eat nuts regularly they contain lots of protein and vitamin. There are much type of nuts available in the market. Try them out.
Heavy Breakfast
Always try to take a heavy breakfast. Because after a gap of 10 hours, your body is best prepared to receive food. So avoid taking light food or rushing off after a cup of coffee. Have a full meal.
Eat habitually in Small Amounts
It a heavy meal makes you feel drowsy, then eat frequently in little amounts. But do not go on a crash diet. Everyone's body is unique. So, it is meaningless to desparately try to attain an 'ideal' shape or size. Eat in sensible amounts but make sure you have adequate nutrition.
Avoid fast food
Avoid fast food, junk food and soft drinks. These food are hard to digest them and therefore can make you tired and lethargic and also decrease your concentration level. The spices and chemical ingredients which are used in these processed food also have a harmful effect on your body. Finally, research shows that children who are given a lot of processed food even have poorer IQs than those who are given healthy food.
Drink Lots of Water
Two-third of your body is composed of water. Lack of water can cause constipation, headache, laziness and drowsiness. So, try to drink 6-7 glass of water everyday, even if you do not get thirsty.
Physical activity is very important for a healthy life. Try to do exercise and walk daily. investigate shows that walking only 30 minutes everyday can improve your memory. Lead an active life.
6 hrs of sleep is enough for a student. Make a habit of rising early in morning. You’ll get more time to whole all the work for the day.

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